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Spooky & Creepy User Interface Sound Effects Library - Horror UI Royalty Free Scary Sounds MINI PACK

CLICK, SWIPE, and SCROLL your way through this mini pack of eerie interface sound files, carefully constructed for any project of mild fright! Extracted from the ONLY AAA-Quality scary user interface sound effects library of its kind on the market, each and every CHIME, RING, TICK, SQUEAK, HIT, CLINK, CLANK, SPIN, PLUCK, CLICK, SNAP, SWIPE, DING, ZIP and more in this pack has been carefully constructed to instill spooky anticipation. Mild in intensity, these sounds are an ideal “fright factor” for any users, while also being eerie for all ages.

Say goodbye to dull and boring UI effects, and say hello to a new dimension creepy user interface sounds. Perfect for VIDEO GAMES, CASINO SLOT GAMES, APPS, PRESENTATIONS, YOUTUBE VIDEOS, INFOGRAPHIC VIDEOS, and more!

Attention: This is a smaller redacted extract from our full product HORROR USER INTERFACE. Save money and get a bigger combined value by picking up the complete HORROR USER INTERFACE product here.

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  • Video Games
  • Slot Games
  • Film / Animation
  • Ads / Trailers
  • YouTube Videos
  • Live Events
  • Sound Design

…and all other audio-visual productions!


  • Easy to use, drag and drop ready
  • AAA mixing and mastering
  • High Definition, Standard Quality WAV and High Quality MP3 formats
  • Meticulously labeled and easily searchable files, including keywords/tags


  • 300 Audio Files (100 original sounds)
  • WAV Format: 24 Bit, 96 kHz and 16 Bit, 44.1 kHz
  • MP3 Format: 320 Kbps
  • Unpacked Size: 201 MB
  • Total Run Time: 12m 21s


BUY NOW the highest quality horror sounds to increase your game's fright factor!





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Don't miss out on our MUSICAL UIMECHANICAL UI, and FUTURISTIC SCI-FI UI libraries!

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Fusehive Interactive Media Ltd. is a team of industry veterans, united in our commitment to providing bespoke audio for video games and casino games. Our unique 24/7 workflow, top quality music/audio technology, dedicated team of expert practitioners, and commitment to forming strong and lasting partnerships with each and every client make us the ultimate choice to take your game to the next level.

Our work includes titles from franchises such as: The Avengers, Batman, Superman, King Kong, Captain America, Green Lantern, Robin Hood, The Mask, Judge Dredd, Wonder Woman, The Flash and over 600 other great titles.

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